Oh Bridget…

I know life is no fairy tale, and in many ways it’s refreshing that from time to time, we are presented with female characters that break up the happy ending with Prince Charming. I’ll admit, I love a good rom com but now and again you need something that you can relate to.

Bridget Jones

I was a mere teenager when I first encountered Bridget Jones on screen therefore I just found her funny, but I too was a diary keeper so I related on that front. My second encounter with Bridget I was still a teen and still writing diaries but I just found her frustrating, it was in many ways good to be shown that even when you’ve found your Darcy it doesn’t mean a perfect relationship follows… But seriously, 30 something women with life still all a fluster do nothing for me. I like aspirational viewing, I like watching their journey but at 30 they need to have their shit together.

Now I’m in my mid-twenties and Bridget is back so I hear. I am saddened at the death of Mark Darcy… Primarily this means that if a film is created Colin Firth won’t have much screen time if any (of course I’m kidding, that’s not the reason) but in all seriousness, we saw Bridget as a frustrated chain smoking singleton, then we saw her sort of in a relationship, sort of single…Now we will meet her widowed, with 2 children and dating a 30 year old called Roxster?! Is her whole life just sad?

I am not having a dig at Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones is her creation, she knows Bridget better that anyone else and there will be a reason she feels the need to revisit her. To be completely honest, if meeting Bridget again and her life wasn’t still a bit of a fuck up… We’d be disappointed…. Wouldn’t we?